Snooper scheduler

The scheduler in Snooper Professional is easy to setup, very flexible and is managed by setting up different scheduled events.

Snooper Pro scheduler

Snooper Pro scheduler

Setup events

There are two types of events, Standard event and Cron event.

To setup more complex repeat intervals use the Cron event otherwise use the Standard event.

Note! To start and stop a recording you normally need to create two events, one for starting a recording and one for stopping it!

The Action field in an event could contain one of these actions:

Start Normal modeSaves current recording and then starts a new recording in Normal mode.
Start Dictation modeSaves current recording and then starts a new recording in Dictation mode.
Start Sound activated modeSaves current recording and then starts a new recording in Sound activated mode.
Start Test modeSaves current recording and then Starts in Test mode.
Stop recorderSaves current recording and then Stops the recorder.
Shutdown Snooper ProfessionalSaves current recording and then shuts down Snooper Pro.

Standard event

Press the Add button.

Snooper normal event

Scheduled to start recording at 8 every day.

Enter the start time, select Daily or Once, optionally press the Days button to select the weekdays.

Set the recording mode and the recording device. Select recording device “No change” if the already selected recording device should be used.

To stop a recording, add another event with Action set to “Stop recorder”.

Snooper stop event

Scheduled to stop recording at 17 every day.

Cron event

Right-click the list view and select Add Cron event.

Snooper cron evet

Scheduled to start at 8 every weekday between Mon-Fri

Enter a valid Cron expression.

Set the recording mode and the recording device.

To stop a recording add another event with Action set to “Stop recorder”.

Under the Advanced button you have the option to select when the event should be expired.

 More about Cron events

Example of how to start a recording beginning on every hour

Every Action of a start recording will always start a new recording, so in this example it will create a new recording on every hour, no need to create a stop event.

Snooper 1 hour cron event

Scheduled to create a new recording on every hour